Canadian Guilds

To change contact information for your guild, use this form or email the membership chair.


See a map of member guilds in Alberta

Lethbridge Handicraft Guild
Heritage Weavers and Spinners Guild of Calgary

Rep name: Barbara Harrison
Rep email address:

President name: Pennie Ivanco
President email address:

British Columbia

See a map of member guilds in British Columbia

Abbotsford Spinners & Weavers Guild

Rep: Kathy Bandurka
Click here to email the guild directly.

Chilliwack Spinners & Weavers Guild

Chilliwack, BC
Rep: Marlene Randall

Coquitlam Weavers & Spinners Guild

Port Moody, BC
Rep: Janice Griffiths

Denman Island Spinners and Weavers

Denman Island, BC
Rep: Isabelle Fusey

Desert Sage Fibre Arts Guild

Oliver, BC
Rep: Marg Harkness
President: Wendy Hauk


The Desert Sage Spinners and Weavers have changed their name to the Desert Sage Fibre Arts Guild. The decision was made at the June meeting of the Guild and reflects some of the changes in the Guild since it began almost 50 years ago. The new name embraces the wide variety of fibre arts and crafts practiced by members. Though the majority still spin and weave, many members also hook, felt, dye, crochet, knit and engage in a wide range of highly creative and skilled fibre arts. 

But that’s not all that’s new at the Desert Sage Guild. A new website, filled with photos and information about the Guild’s activities, has been launched at https// The new website reflects the Guild’s creative aims, objectives and activities including a History section on the Guild’s almost 50 years of being involved in the fibre arts and crafts.  

Working with fibre such as wool, silk, cotton, linen, bamboo and a host of others both natural and synthetic, the Guild’s current membership includes over 65 artists and crafters from the South Okanagan and Similkameen.

The Guild has a new name, a new website but also a new email address. Here’s the Guild’s new info:

Desert Sage Fibre Arts Guild

The postal address remains the same: P.O. Box 1473, Oliver, BC,  V0H 1T0

Fernie Spinners & Weavers Guild

Fernie, BC
Rep: Gayle Vallance

Fisher Peak Fiber Arts Guild

Cranbrook, BC
rep:  Lorraine Schmidt

Gabriola Weavers & Spinners

Gabriola Island, BC
Rep: Donna Townsend

Greater Vancouver Weavers and Spinners

Vancouver, BC
Rep: Janice Griffiths

Kalamalka Weavers & Spinners
Kalamalka Weavers and Spinners
2704A Hwy 6
Vernon, BC, V1T 5G5
Kamloops Arts & Crafts

Kamloops, BC
Rep: Alice Turkenburg

Kimberley & District Guild of Fibre Artists BC

Kimberley, BC

Rep: Marie Wright

Langley Weavers & Spinners Guild

Langley, BC
Rep: Pat Wrigley

Mid-Island Weavers and Spinners Guild

Nanaimo, BC
Rep: Kathy McDonald

Midnight Shuttles Spinning and Weaving Guild

Campbell River, BC
President: Val Evans
Rep: Joyce Fauchon

Monashee Spinners & Weavers

Lumby, BC
Rep: Louise Smith

Nanoose Bay Weaver’s and Spinners Guild

Nanoose Bay, BC
Rep: Christine Rivers

North Peace Spinners & Weavers

Hudson Hope & Fort St. John, BC
Rep: Rene Giesbrecht

Peace Arch Weavers & Spinners Guild

Surrey, BC
Rep: Janice Griffiths

Ponderosa Spinners Weavers and Fiber Artists Guild

Kelowna, BC
Rep: Loraine Farrow

Prince George Fibre Arts Guild

Prince George, BC
Rep: Serena Black

Qualicum Weavers & Spinners Guild
Salt Spring Weavers and Spinners Guild

Salt Spring Island, BC
Rep: Valerie Short

Selkirk Weavers and Spinners Guild

Robson, BC
Rep: Diane Cushing

Shuswap Spinners & Weavers

Salmon Arm, BC
Rep: Anne Patterson

South Cariboo Spinners & Weavers Guild

100 Mile House, BC
Rep: Linda Peterson

Sunshine Coast

Gibsons, BC
Rep: Kim Fenton

The Woolgatherers

Courtenay, BC
Rep: Sheila Carey

Thompson Valley Weavers Guild

Kamloops, BC
Rep: Elaine Woods

Timberlane Fine Arts Association

Powell River, BC, Canada

Victoria Handweavers & Spinners Guild

Victoria, BC
President: Barbara Williams
Rep: Christine Purse

Whonnock Weavers & Spinners


See a map of member guilds in Saskatchewan

Saskatoon Spinners & Weavers Guild

Saskatoon, SK
Rep: Malcolm Benson-Dyke

4 Shaft Homemade Jack Loom – Free

Free Floom Loom. Homemade 4-shaft, 6 treadle, Jack loom. Heavy, sturdy construction.  About 4 feet wide.  Would be great for rug weaving. There is a broken top beam on the beater bar that will need replacing. Everything else looks like it’s working and in good shape. Just needs a good clean up. Back beam folds in for travel. The loom is currently living in Sisters and hasn’t been used.  Needs a new home.  Free.  Sisters, OR. Email if interested.

Listing expires at 5:48pm on Saturday May 24th, 2025

To change contact information for your guild, use this form or email the membership chair.