North Peace Spinners and Weavers Guild

The 24 members of the North Peace guild come from the Fort St. John, Hudson’s Hope and North Peace area of British Columbia.

The purposes of this Society are:
To promote communication, education and stimulation in the fibre arts; specifically spinning, weaving, and associated handicrafts, in the North Peace Area of British Columbia.
To cooperate with all properly constituted bodies, both elected and appointed, in the North Peace Areas and elsewhere, in these cultural activities.
Membership policy, fees, benefits, etc.

Each individual member of the North Peace Area who subscribes to the Constitution and By-Laws shall be eligible for membership and shall have one(1) vote upon payment of the annual membership dues.

The Annual Membership dues shall be determined from time to time by a majority vote of the Society members at any General or Special Meeting of the Society.

A member shall be deemed to be in good standing when the person has paid their current annual membership dues.

We hold monthly meetings on the third Saturday of each month except during the summer months.

Although we are a small group, we manage to keep the creative juices flowing. Each month, we usually conduct a small workshop involving the fibre arts, gearing them to different experience levels. On occasion, we do demonstrations at fall fairs and schools. In some years we host a regional conference. We have no formal written history, but we have been in existence for 35 years, and the first recorded minutes are dated September, 1985. We are currently in search of a permanent home for our guild.

For further information regarding our guild, contact:
Rene Giesbrecht
Fort St John, BC