Secretary, 2025 Conference Co-Chair: Bette Nordberg

Bette Nordberg lives in Puyallup, WA and is an active member of the Moonspinners, Arachne, Tacoma, and Seattle guilds in Washington.  She is helping each of these guilds by volunteering for a variety of positions from President of Moonspinners to programs, website, and social media positions.  Bette is a retired registered Physical Therapist who worked in local area hospitals.  She has written and published 17 books since 1990.  Bette has also volunteered to be conference secretary for the 2025 conference committee being formed in the Puget Sound area.  Her fiber interests are weaving, spinning, and knitting.

Bette Nordberg started life as physical therapist, morphed into a writer, and after finishing her last book, has settled happily into the world of fiber. She spins reluctantly, knits voraciously, and dreams endlessly warps and wefts. She is still attempting to break the world record for most mistakes in a single weaving project. Her weaving guilds are the source of endless inspiration, knowledge, and friendship.