President: Malcolm Benson-Dyke

Saskatoon Spinners & Weavers Guild

Malcolm Benson-Dyke lives in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada and is a member of the Saskatoon Spinners & Weavers Guild.  He has previously held board positions with his guild and prior to moving to Saskatchewan, he belonged to the Telarana guild in Mesa, AZ.  Malcolm’s working career spanned 38 years with a Canadian Bank and he attended the 2019 Prince George Conference.  He is an officer in two Canadian Airstream Clubs and his fiber interests are multi-shaft weaving and dyeing.

Malcolm began his weaving journey in 2014. He always wanted to weave, but it didn’t happen until he retired. He found a willing and enthusiastic teacher in Mesa, AZ and took his first “Introduction to Weaving” class. The rest as they say is history!

Malcolm’s first real project was a set of huck-lace placemats in three colours. What was he thinking? One of his mottos in life has been “go big or go home”. He certainly has proved that over the years. His first loom (and still his favourite) was a 48” – 12 shaft LeClerc Model M. He subsequently found out it was manufactured the year he was born!

Malcolm has taken many courses from a variety of well-known instructors including Tom Knisley, Rosalie Neilson and Laura Fry. He is currently enrolled in the Olds College Master Weavers program.

Malcolm joined the SSWG in the spring of 2014 and has been actively involved ever since. He has served as Vice-Chair, Chair and now Past-Chair of the Guild. One of Malcolm’s other life mottos is “you get out of an organization what you put into it.” Malcolm and a dedicated group of volunteers were successful in finding the guild a permanent home – their first in 40 years.

Malcolm looks forward to working with ANWG and its member Guilds to promote fibre arts throughout the Region.