Education Chair: Liz Moncrief

Skagit Valley Weavers Guild

I moved with my husband and dog to Skagit Valley, WA in 2014 and still think that the Pacific Northwest is magical.  We both had careers with US Forest Service, which required moving to several locations in the western states, the final being Colorado. Washington held the same environmental ethics that we both strived for in our careers and this area had some roots for Ross, so here we are surrounded by the Cascades to the east and Puget Sound to the west and nestled in a quiet green valley.  

I began weaving and spinning in the early ’90s and started teaching both subjects at Utah and Colorado State University extensions, started a sideline business of repairing looms and wheels and writing occasionally for Handwoven Magazine. I retired in 2013 and as I hear too often, ‘how did I ever have time for a career?’ I’ve taught numerous in-person workshops in UT, CO, WA, OR, MT and virtually for MAFA, HGA, and larger more distant guilds.   I was recruited to be the ANWG Membership Chair while at a membership meeting in Victoria, BC in 2016 and held that position until 2021. I’m currently a member of the Skagit Valley Weavers Guild, Seattle Weavers Guild, HGA and Complex Weavers and have been a member of the Peninsula, Whatcom, Whidbey and Montana Guilds since being here. 

I currently own three looms ranging from 8-24 shafts and have always said that Washington winters (maybe greater NW area) are made for weaving. I teach zoom seminars in most aspects of handweaving and computer drafting and maintain individual student tutoring in my small studio.  I can be found at

As the incoming Education Chair, I have some big ideas for virtual learning and hope to have a full roster of opportunities for learning. It would help me immensely to hear from our membership on how you would like to mold ‘your’ new program.