2nd Vice President, 2025 Conference Co-Chair:  Deborah Staehle

Arachne Weavers Guild
Deborah has been an active member of the Arachne Weavers Guild since 2008. She joined the guild to learn how to weave. She has served as Program Chair two years, and presently is the Treasurer for the guild. Deborah also participated on the last two Grant Application Committees for her Guild – Weaving Boot Camp, and Sheep 2 Shawl. This past year Deborah was Arachne’s Weaver for the Washington State Fair Sheep2Shawl Competition. Other Fiber Art interests include: Spinning, Rigid Heddle Weaving, 4/8 Shaft Weaving, and knitting. She attended her first ANWG Conference held in Victoria BC 2017, and could not wait until the next one held in Prince George 2019, and is looking forward to 2023.
Responsibility:  The president is the moderator of board meetings and the Annual Membership Meeting (AMM) each year and helps to coordinate the work of the various board members.
Position held until 2023.