About the Tapestry Study Group
Do you like to weave tapestry? Are you interested in learning how to weave tapestry? Would you like to meet others who like to weave tapestry? We invite you to join the ANWG Tapestry Study Group. This friendly group brings together tapestry weavers from beginners to experts to share ideas and information, ask questions, show pictures of our work, and get to know each other. Please join in the conversation and post pictures of your work.
Each year we will study a subject of some type, perhaps a topic used as inspiration, a well-known tapestry weaver, or a technique, which will be selected by the members. Members will have the opportunity to design and weave a tapestry on the subject and exhibit completed pieces at the next ANWG Annual Membership Meeting which is generally held in June.
The group is conducted online at groups.io. Members join, communicate, collaborate, and share on this online forum which is easy to use. The group is private so those interested in participating need to request to join.
How to Join
Contact the group chair, Ila McCallum, ilasqs@web-ster.com, and request an invitation to join the online forum. You will receive an email invitation from groups.io. Follow the instructions on the invitation, which will require you to set up a username and password in groups.io, if you do not already have one.
Go online to groups.io, click on “Find or Create a Group”, search for ANWGTapestryStudyGroup. Click on the group name and go down to “Apply for Membership In This Group”. Follow the instructions which include putting in your email address which is how you will be contacted.
Have questions?
Got questions? You can use this contact form to get more information.