Palouse Hills Weavers Guild

Moscow, ID
Rep: Jean Korus

In 1953, a new weaving guild came into being in the beautiful Palouse region of northern Idaho and southeastern Washington. More than 70 years later, we are still going strong! Our members participate in weaving, spinning, dyeing, felting, braiding, and design.

Guild activities include monthly meetings (September through May); shows and sales; demonstrations of handweaving and spinning at various regional venues; participation in the Latah County Fair; workshops; and an annual Day Camp.

Meetings are held monthly, September through May, generally on the 3rd or 4th Saturday of the month from 11 am to 1 pm at the 1912 Center in Moscow, ID. Visitors are welcome! You can follow them on Facebook or Instagram to get updates and announcements.

Annual dues are $40 – benefits of membership include access to the guild library and equipment; the opportunity to attend local workshops hosted by the Guild at a lesser rate; and informative emails sent out by board members of the Guild.

You can find our Guild on both Facebook and Instagram, or feel free to reach out to us at