Movie Bites

Liz Moncrief, ANWG Education Director, is now scheduling a monthly movie night to be staged on the Zoom platform. The ‘movies’ are not full features of course but snippets (some long some short) which highlight our shared interests in weaving, spinning, fiber plants/animals/tools and as many other categories as we can come up with.  She currently has 30+ links in her list for our lineup and will try to mix it up each month so that all members will find something of interest.   

Movie Bites will run from 6 pm – 7:30 Pacific Time Zone, which accommodates most ANWG members.  The first Movie Bites event is scheduled for Wednesday, January 22nd. Grab your popcorn, weaving, knitting, spinning and join us for our first go at it. We’re hoping it’ll be a fun new venture

Topic: ANWG Movie Bites January
Time: Jan 22, 2025 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting with this link:
Meeting ID: 955 9375 2480
Passcode: 726994

For our January 22 event, Liz is planning to offer a BBC Master Craftsman series based on Master Weaver Margo Selby in a small studio with three budding apprentices. It’s one that she discovered in 2010 and she thinks you’ll enjoy the transformation that each goes through.

Liz will schedule a new zoom for each month and will send the notice out to the ANWG Reps google group. 

Take care, be well and let’s enter 2025 with happy and busy hands. 

For questions or suggestions please contact Liz Moncrief, ANWG Education Chair.

Past Screenings

January 22, 2025: Mastercrafts, a BBC series on crafts in the modern age. Video is in 4 parts on Youtube:

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4: