June 2023 AMM Meeting Minutes

ANWG Annual Member Meeting, June 16,
Riverside Convention Center, Bend Oregon

Meeting brought to order by Deb Staehle, standing in for ANWG president Malcom Benson-Dyke, who was unable to attend. A quorum was confirmed by Bette Nordberg, ANWG secretary, with 39 representatives present. New representative information collected will be forwarded to Linda York, Membership Chair.

Treasurer report: 
Meeting opened with treasurer, Angelique Penaflor, covering finances January1 to May 31, 2023 
            Beginning Checking and Savings Balance: $ 35,542.78
            Income from dues and savings brings the total to $ 36,179.78
            Expenses total $ 582.11
            Ending balances: Checking and savings $ 35,597.20
Further detailed information can be found in her written report. 

Membership Report: 
Linda York, ANWG Membership Chair shared current membership details:
            ANWG currently reports 85 active guilds, including 2 new guilds
Guilds represent 4,197 guild members
There are also 25+ individual affiliates

Education Report:
Rebecca Winter. ANWG Education Chair Report 

History Study Group: The 11 member History Study Group has just completed a study of weaving inspired by Ingrid Boesel. This year, they have chosen to study the book Adventures in Weaving, by Gertrude Greer, (1951, published by Chas. A. Bennett, Co. Inc, Peoria Ill). Members may join by requesting membership in the ANWG History groups.

Rebecca encouraged members to check out the Tapestry and History Study Groups Booth in the Marketplace. 

Creative Challenge Grants 
Current grant monitoring is now completed. The six grants awarded in 2020-2021 had until December 2022 to complete their projects or events. All but one have submitted reports. 

Because their workshop was scheduled and canceled several times, the Skagit Valley guild was unable to complete their proposed project and opted to refund ANWG their grant amount.

Future Grants: We will offer Challenge Grants again in the future, pending the financial outcome for this Conference. Look for further information in upcoming newsletters. Grant information will also be included on its own webpage in ANWG website. 

Webmaster: Dan Steves
Dan has served as the web admin for the 2023 conference, which has been his primary focus over the past few months. With the conference ending, Dan will focus on the main ANWG website, looking at recommended improvements and suggestions. If members have suggestions or questions, contact Dan via the contact form on the website, or email him directly. 

Brief 2023 Conference Report: Linda Gettman and co-chair Sue Walsh. 
            Due to Covid, the 2025 conference has been 6.5 years in the making. 
            Conference goals: to include instructors in as many diverse fiber areas as possible. 
            Linda reminded members of four virtual seminars included in this year’s conference, which featured teachers from France, Scotland, British Columbia and New York, (all of whom no longer travel). Zoom provides additional opportunities for members in remote locations.
            Thus far, they are happy with the progress of the conference, and note that the finances of conferences are changing. They hope to conclude the conference with some profitability. A detailed written report will follow the closing of the conference. 

2025 Conference Report: Deb Staehle and Bette Nordberg, Co-chairs.
Deb announced that, after six months of searching, we have entered into a hand shake agreement with the Yakima Convention Center, in Yakima WA, for a 2025 conference beginning June 16, 2025. This agreement depends on the signing of the contract agreement by the Seattle Weavers’ Guild, who serves as our sponsor guild for the 2025 conference. She hopes to accomplish this by the end of July. 

Deb also reported that the conference Executive Committee is roughly 75% in place, with additional positions open for interested individuals. Bette followed up with information about how to join the committee, and the excitement of designing the conference in those ways that the committee members feel ANWG members will enjoy. ANWG reps were encouraged to contact Bette and or Deb, or email 2025anwgvolunteers@seattleweaversguild.com

Bette explained that Washington does not have a state-wide non-profit weavers guild, as does Oregon. For this reason, an individual guild must serve as the “host guild” for the 2025 Washington conference. Seattle Weavers Guild has agreed to host for us. 

Bette Nordberg made this request: Members: Please refer to the 2025 conference as the Washington Conference, not the Seattle Conference. She explained why Washington state guilds need the 501C3 coverage provided by the umbrella of a sponsor guild, which will be the SWG. And Bette reinforced the tentative situation with a conference contract. “If the good Lord’s willing and the creek don’t rise,” the conference will occur in Yakima. 

Show and Share:
Member guilds submitted their individual items for the slide show which closed our meeting. 

Motion to adjourn
Bette Nordberg, seconded by Linda Gettman, meeting adjourned by Deb Staehle.