Klamath Spinners and Weavers Guild

The purpose of the guild is to promote handspinning, handweaving and related fiber arts in the community and to provide a means of exchange of knowledge to the membership.

There are 35 members from Klamath Falls, Oregon and surrounding areas. Anyone interested in handspinning, handweaving, and/or a related fiber art may become a member upon payment of the required dues. Member benefits include eligibility to attend meetings, to bring guests to the meetings, to attend guild workshops at a reduced rate and automatic membership in WeGO (the state organization, Weaving Guilds of Oregon). We publish a monthly newsletter for our members, edited by Sharon Allen of Chiloquin, OR. Annual dues are $10 /year.

Meetings are the second Tuesday of each month (excepting July and August) at 10 a.m., with regularly scheduled business and usually a program.

Many of our members do demonstrations at public events such as Living History Day, the Black Sheep Gathering in Eugene, OR, the Klamath County and Tulelake/Butte Valley Fairs, Art in the Park, Spin Ins, Sheep Dog Trials and the Early Engine Steam Club Get Together.

Our members have achieved awards for fleeces, had articles printed Spin Off magazine, Border Collie Sheep Dog Trial Awards, Ribbons from the Black Sheep Gathering and various Fairs for items.

For further information regarding the guild, contact:
Kathy Nelson
1402 Elderberry Lane
Klamath Falls, OR 97601

For information regarding the Klamath Spinner’s and Weaver’s Guild Newsletter, contact:
Sharon Allen
37291 Agency Lak. Loop Rd.
Chiloquin, OR 97624