To change contact information for your guild, use this form or email the membership chair.
See a map of member guilds in Alaska
See a map of member guilds in Idaho
Boise, ID
Rep: Connie Griffin
Moscow, ID
Rep: Jean Korus
In 1953, a new weaving guild came into being in the beautiful Palouse region of northern Idaho and southeastern Washington. More than 70 years later, we are still going strong! Our members participate in weaving, spinning, dyeing, felting, braiding, and design.
Guild activities include monthly meetings (September through May); shows and sales; demonstrations of handweaving and spinning at various regional venues; participation in the Latah County Fair; workshops; and an annual Day Camp.
Meetings are held monthly, September through May, generally on the 3rd or 4th Saturday of the month from 11 am to 1 pm at the 1912 Center in Moscow, ID. Visitors are welcome! You can follow them on Facebook or Instagram to get updates and announcements.
Annual dues are $40 – benefits of membership include access to the guild library and equipment; the opportunity to attend local workshops hosted by the Guild at a lesser rate; and informative emails sent out by board members of the Guild.
You can find our Guild on both Facebook and Instagram, or feel free to reach out to us at
See a map of member guilds in Montana
Kalispell, MT
Rep: Teresa Knutson
Website and Facebook
Billings, MT
Rep: Cheryl Bohnet
Bozeman, MT
Rep: Teema Loeffelholz
Helena, MT
Rep: Dawn Ahlert
Missoula, MT
Pres: Karen Hoyt
Rep: Sharon Schroeder
Rep: Dawn Ahlert
President: Dawn Ahlert
Park City, MT
Rep: Heather Johnson
See a map of member guilds in Oregon
Redmond/Bend/Sisters/Prineville/Madras/Sunriver OR
Perry Drevo
Astoria OR
Rep: Julie Wittrock
Hood River, Oregon
Rep: Nancy Skakel
President: Nancy Skakel
Guild has a private Facebook page for members
Eugene, OR
Rep: Diane Pigg
Odell, OR
Rep: Mary Davis
Bandon, OR
President: Sandie McDonald
Klamath Falls, OR
Rep: Kathy Nelson
President: Gloria Diamond
Portland, OR
Rep: Hillary Beard
Central Point, OR
Rep: Kamie Liston
President: Lisa Krebs
Rogue Valley Handweavers Guild is one of two guilds in southern Oregon on the I-5 corridor.
The purpose of the guild is to promote an interest in handweaving and associated fiber arts. Membership is open to anyone upon payment of dues. Annual dues are $25, payable in September.
Member benefits include use of the Guild library; use of rental equipment owned by the Guild; ten issues per year of the newsletter, RVHG Rogue Rovings, and the privilege of selling weaving/spinning related items during specific meetings. Guild members may attend conferences and workshops at member rates, due to RVHG membership in ANWG (Association of Northwest Weavers’ Guilds) and WeGO, Inc. (Weaving Guilds of Oregon, Inc.).
Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month, September through June; 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the 1st Presbyterian Church, 456 W. Pine St., Central Point.
The Guild administers a “Certificate of Accomplishment” program which is open to members of the Guild. This three-level program of weaving requires progressively detailed work to be submitted for evaluation. Unlike some programs, the items to be submitted are not just “samples”, but are usable pieces.
The Guild participates in various Outreach programs, setting up and manning displays and demonstrations of fiber arts at public venues in the area. There is usually a small loom available for hands-on experience by people of all ages. Events such as County Fairs, Hanley Century Farm events, and the Talent Harvest Festival are among the varied venues attended by the guild members.
Rogue Valley Handweavers Guild celebrated its 50th Anniversary in 2003.
For more information contact:
Lisa Krebs
RVHG President
Salem, OR
Rep: Renay McLeish
Ashland, OR
Rep: Cindy Fowler
President: Kathleen Scott
The Saturday Handweavers Guild was formed in 1973. The Guild was originally organized to accommodate weavers who worked outside the home and could not attend a meetings on a weekday. The group met in members’ homes until it grew too large.
We meet the 2nd Saturday of each month, September through June, generally from 1:00 to 3:30 p.m. in one of the Jackson County libraries (based on availability). Please check the website ( for exact meeting times and locations. The meeting begins with refreshments and visiting followed by an informative program, a short business meeting and show and share.
The members come from Medford, Ashland, Grants Pass and many other small towns in the region. The purpose of this organization is to contribute to the knowledge of and provide for continuing education of weaving and related fiber arts, to promote interest in weaving and fiber arts in the local communities and to encourage improvement in our own work through comparison and sharing.
Our dues are $25.00 per year. The benefits members receive are many, such as informative programs put on by our members, programs from outside our membership, library use, a monthly newsletter and participation in study groups initiated by members. We also sponsor, for an extra fee, workshops taught by well known fiber artists.
Saturday Handweavers Guild members enjoy sharing their interest in fiber arts in various ways. Some members demonstrate weaving, spinning and other fiber arts at various venues in the surrounding area.
For membership information, please refer to website:
Updated July 2024
Baker City, OR
Rep: Nancy Findholt
Roseburg, OR
Rep: Diane Barrows
Statewide, all Oregon Guilds
Rep: Annali Cross
Brookings, OR
Rep: Dee Ebel
President: JoAnn Sutter
See a map of member guilds in Washington
Wenatchee, WA
Rep: Linda Merrick
President: Linda Merrick
Sumner , WA
Rep: Georgean Curran
Astoria OR
Rep: Julie Wittrock
Kennewick, WA
Rep: Betsy Dickinson
President: Kareena Anderson
Individual Affiliate
Location: Gig Harbor, WA
Contact: Lori Lawson
Twisp, WA
Rep: Jacquie Luke
Puyallup, WA
Rep: Sheryl Small
Sequim, WA
President: Cherrie Siard
Rep: Becki Roberts
Olympia, WA
Rep: Tamie Herridge
Moscow, ID
Rep: Jean Korus
In 1953, a new weaving guild came into being in the beautiful Palouse region of northern Idaho and southeastern Washington. More than 70 years later, we are still going strong! Our members participate in weaving, spinning, dyeing, felting, braiding, and design.
Guild activities include monthly meetings (September through May); shows and sales; demonstrations of handweaving and spinning at various regional venues; participation in the Latah County Fair; workshops; and an annual Day Camp.
Meetings are held monthly, September through May, generally on the 3rd or 4th Saturday of the month from 11 am to 1 pm at the 1912 Center in Moscow, ID. Visitors are welcome! You can follow them on Facebook or Instagram to get updates and announcements.
Annual dues are $40 – benefits of membership include access to the guild library and equipment; the opportunity to attend local workshops hosted by the Guild at a lesser rate; and informative emails sent out by board members of the Guild.
You can find our Guild on both Facebook and Instagram, or feel free to reach out to us at
Port Townsend, WA
Rep: Linda York
Longview, WA
Rep: Kathie Leigh Marts
Friday Harbor, WA
Rep: Anita Barreca
Seattle, WA
Rep: Deb Staehle
Edmonds, WA
Rep: Sally Zitzer
Omak, WA
Rep: Teresa Lay
Mt. Vernon, WA
Rep: Gloria Lebowitz
President: Susan Sanderson
Spokane, WA
Rep: Candace Brown
Tacoma, WA
Rep: Tamie Herridge
Tacoma, WA
Rep: Carole B. Stewart
Walla Walla, WA
Rep: Susan Swayne
Bellingham, WA
Rep: Jill Mount
Coupeville, WA
Rep: Mary Anne Straight
See a map of member guilds in Wyoming
To change contact information for your guild, use this form or email the membership chair.