Humbug Mtn Weavers & Spinners Guild
Bandon, OR President: Sandie McDonald Website
Bandon, OR President: Sandie McDonald Website
Hood River, Oregon Rep: Nancy Skakel President: Nancy Skakel Guild has a private Facebook page for members
Redmond/Bend/Sisters/Prineville/Madras/Sunriver OR Perry Drevo Website
Ashland, ORRep: Cindy Fowler President: Kathleen ScottWebsite The Saturday Handweavers Guild was formed in 1973. The Guild was originally organized to accommodate weavers who worked outside the home and could not attend a meetings on a weekday. The group met in members’ homes until it grew too large. We meet the 2nd Saturday of each … Read more
Baker City, OR Rep: Nancy Findholt Website
Brookings, OR Rep: Dee Ebel President: JoAnn Sutter Website
Seattle, WA Rep: Deb Staehle Website
Mt. Vernon, WARep: Gloria LebowitzPresident: Susan SandersonWebsite
Omak, WA Rep: Teresa Lay
Longview, WA Rep: Kathie Leigh Marts Website