April 5-6, 2025
Oak Harbor, WA

The Whidbey Weavers Guild will be holding its 52nd annual Spin-in on Saturday, April 5 and Sunday April 6, 2025. The Spin-In will be held at the Oak Harbor High School in Oak Harbor, WA. There is a $25 entrance fee that covers both days. Activities will include social spinning, friendly competition, used equipment sale and a marketplace with over 20 PNW vendors.
This year we are honored to have guest presenter and teacher Charan Sachar who will explore our theme of Color and Texture. Charan is an artist whose work reflects his passion for fiber arts, such as knitting, spinning, weaving, and quilting. He also uses it as an inspiration for his clay work. In all the fields that he works in, he loves to accept challenges and approaches the making with a “what if” attitude. Charan specializes in creating art yarns with textures using traditional spinning techniques and pushing them an extra step to create unique yarns. He will be speaking on Saturday and holding a group workshop on Sunday, all which are included with the entrance fee. An optional fiber packet will be available for sale for those participating in the workshop.
We’re going to have a great time. Hope to see you there.
For more information check out our Guild website: whidbeyweaversguild.org
Listing expires at 12:00pm on Sunday April 6th, 2025